Agreements by Way of Wager Are Void

Agreements by way of wager are void – An SEO-Friendly Explanation

Agreements by way of wager are void, or simply put, gambling contracts are not legally enforceable. This legal principle, also known as the Doctrine of Unlawful Consideration, has been in place for centuries and is upheld in most jurisdictions worldwide. But what exactly does it mean, and why is it important?

Let`s start with the basics. A wager is an agreement between two parties where one party (the winner) stands to gain something of value from the other party (the loser) based on the outcome of an uncertain event. In other words, it`s a bet. Examples of wagers include betting on sports, card games, and other games of chance.

Now, according to the Doctrine of Unlawful Consideration, any contract that involves a wager is unacceptable as it goes against public policy. The reasoning behind this is simple – gambling contracts encourage people to rely on chance rather than their own abilities and skills, which can lead to addiction, financial ruin, and even social problems.

Furthermore, gambling contracts are considered immoral as they promote gaming and can lead to corruption, cheating, and other illegal activities. Thus, courts are generally unwilling to enforce them, and gamblers are left to seek redress on their own.

So, if you enter into a gambling contract and lose money or any other valuable asset, you cannot legally ask for it back. However, if you win, the other party may not honor the contract, and you may be left with nothing. That is why it`s crucial to avoid making wagers altogether, especially with people you don`t know or who could take advantage of you.

As a copy editor, it`s essential to understand this legal principle and its implications. If your clients are in the gambling or gaming industry, it`s crucial to advise them on the legality of their contracts and how to word their terms and conditions to avoid any legal issues. Additionally, if you`re writing content related to gambling or gaming, it`s essential to include a disclaimer that warns readers of the risks involved and advises them to practice responsible gaming.


In conclusion, agreements by way of wager are void means that gambling contracts are not legally enforceable. The Doctrine of Unlawful Consideration, which upholds this principle, is based on the idea that gambling contracts are immoral and encourage chance over skill. As a copy editor, it`s crucial to understand this legal principle and its implications for the gaming and gambling industry. By including a warning and disclaimer in any content related to gambling, you can help your readers stay informed and practice responsible gaming.