Battle Through the Heavens is a popular Chinese web novel series that has gained a massive following across the globe. The story follows the journey of a young man named Xiao Yan who embarks on a mission to become a powerful martial artist and find his place in the world. The series has been adapted into various formats, including an anime, a manga, and a live-action series. Fans of the series have been eagerly awaiting the release of the third season of the anime, which was announced to be based on the “Three Year Agreement” arc of the novel. In this article, we will be discussing the release date and other details about the Battle Through the Heavens Three Year Agreement.
The Three Year Agreement is a major arc in the original novel series and features a showdown between Xiao Yan and his rival, Yun Shan. The arc is known for its intense battles and emotional moments, making it a fan favorite. The announcement of a third season of the anime based on this arc has generated a lot of excitement among the fans, who are eager to see how the story will be adapted.
The official release date for the third season of the Battle Through the Heavens anime has not yet been announced. However, it is expected to be released in 2022. The production of the anime was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and has been rescheduled for next year. Fans will have to wait patiently for the release date to be confirmed.
The third season of the anime is expected to cover the entire Three Year Agreement arc of the novel. This means that fans can expect to see some of the most intense and epic battles of the entire series. The arc is also significant for the character development of Xiao Yan, who undergoes a significant transformation in his quest to become stronger.
In conclusion, Battle Through the Heavens remains one of the most popular web novel series of all time, and the announcement of a third season based on the Three Year Agreement arc has generated a lot of excitement among the fans. While the official release date has not yet been announced, fans can expect the anime to be released in 2022. With epic battles and emotional moments, this season promises to be one of the most memorable adaptations of the series yet.