Commission Agreement Sample

Commission Agreement Sample: A Guide to Creating an Effective Contract

If you are working as a salesperson, affiliate marketer, or a freelancer, a commission agreement is a must-have for protecting your interests. A commission agreement is a legal contract between a company and an individual, whereby the individual is paid a commission for every sale or referral they make on behalf of the company.

Creating a commission agreement that protects your interests and outlines all the necessary details can be challenging, but with a sample agreement, it becomes easier. In this article, we will guide you through creating an effective commission agreement using a sample.

1. Introduction

The first section of the commission agreement should provide a brief introduction to the agreement, including the names of the parties involved, the date the agreement is effective, and a brief description of the services to be rendered.

2. Commission payment

This section outlines the commission payment structure, including the commission percentage, the frequency of payment, and how the commission is calculated. The sample should include a clear description of the payment process and how the payments will be made.

3. Sales and referrals

This section defines the types of sales and referrals that are eligible for commission payment. It should also outline the conditions under which a commission is paid and the types of sales or referrals that are excluded from the agreement.

4. Term and termination

In this section, the sample should outline the duration of the agreement and the conditions for termination. The agreement may be terminated by any of the parties by giving notice, and the notice period should be specified in the contract.

5. Confidentiality and non-compete

This section outlines the terms of confidentiality and the non-compete agreement, which may limit the individual`s ability to work with a competitor while under the contract.

6. Intellectual property rights

This section defines the intellectual property rights associated with the agreement. It includes the ownership of ideas, patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property that are created during the course of the agreement.

7. Dispute resolution

The sample agreement should include a clear and comprehensive dispute resolution process. The process should outline the steps involved in resolving any disputes that arise between the parties and the steps that should be taken to resolve them.

8. Governing law and jurisdiction

This section specifies the governing law and the jurisdiction that will be used if legal action is necessary. It should also outline the procedures for legal action and the monetary damages that may be claimed.


Creating a commission agreement that is effective and legally sound can be challenging, but with a sample agreement, it becomes easier. It is important to note that the sample should be tailored to the specific details of your agreement. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a comprehensive commission agreement that protects your interests and outlines all the necessary details.